FMI: 307-680-2788
REDD RIVER PEANUT – 2023 AQHA Sorrel Mare x Redd River x Peptoboonsmal out of YB Dakota Remedy x Dakota Shorty
Check out this gorgeous chromed up filly with all the pedigree you could ask for. Benz is a wonderful coming 2 year old filly that has so much potential. We have started this filly and she is riding around nice. Lots of ability. Beautiful conformation. Very intelligent. Check out her pedigree! You cannot go wrong with this filly. Cutting, cowhorse, rope horse. Whatever direction you want to go with her, this girl will not disappoint! Stay up to date with our YouTube for videos closer to sale date. VIDEO: FMI: 307-680-2788. Coggins. FC62