Registered with the Gypsy Horse Registry of America
JULES ALICIA SNJ – 2023 GHR Black Sabino Mare x Baileys Cream x Clononeen Mull of Kintyre aka Romeo out of Black Pearl x Thorn Hill Black Hawke
Registered with the Gypsy Horse Registry of America. Elicia is a super classy filly with a lot of personality. She is gentle and kind making her a perfect candidate for an inexperienced rider or youth. This filly has a beautiful mane and tail as well as all the hair you could ask for around her feet. Four white sock and a blaze on her face give her the chrome that will make her get noticed anywhere you bring her. These gypsy horses are so versatile and can go in any direction you want. Opportunities are endless here. Really nice young one to keep going on with and you will have a gentle, willing partner for years to come! VIDEO: Contact Seller. FMI: 307-680-2788. Coggins. FO57