VIDEO: Contact Seller
FMI: 435-244-9685
QUICK TEASE BLUE – 2018 APHA Solid Palomino Gelding x Great White Hancock x Blue Venture Hancok out of Good Tease Lee x Lee Tease Me
16.1 hands with a size 1 shoe all around. Raised and lived on the ranch his whole life, spent summers in the high UT mountains, winters on the desert. Sure footed, seen it all. Head horse, barrel horse and ranch horse deluxe. He is great in the box, leaves flat and scores good. Rates a steer good. He is patterned on the barrels and has been hauled lightly. Placing in 2D-3D at bigger shows. He has been one of our favorite horses to own, going to town to jackpot or going to work cows he is always on the trailer. VIDEO: Contact Seller. FMI: 435-244-9685. Coggins. FO90