VIDEO: Contact Seller
FMI: 307-250-9655
SHILOLS LIL TY – 2020 AQHA Black Gelding x Smart Lil Ty x Smart Mark out of Shilohs Ms Temon x Ima Poco Leo Star
Ty is a sharp looking, handy ranch gelding. We have used him for every aspect of ranch work over this last year, he has done pasture roping and has all the handle to make an excellent rope horse. We have also used him to halter break 2 year olds and get them gentled. Ty stays broke with time off, gets along well in a mixed herd or is completely happy in a box stall. No vices or bad habits. He has a very good handle, nice one handed neck rein. He moves off your seat and legs, lopes good circles and has a good stop. He goes over all the trail obstacles with ease and goes where you point him out on the trail. Ty is a very well broke ranch gelding that any rancher would enjoy or take him and turn him into a top notch team roping horse. Ty loads in, backs out of the trailer and hauls well. He is good for the vet and farrier. He is up to date on farrier, worming, vaccinations and dental. PPEs welcome. VIDEO: Contact Seller. FMI: 307-250-9655. Coggins. FO41